Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Non-Profit Partners

Non-Profit Partners

Hart SEO works with 4 Different Non-Profits in Jacksonville, FL

Hart SEO has worked with 4 amazing non-profits here in Jacksonville over the past 2 years and want to give them the spotlight and encourage everyone to read what they are all about share the post and donate on their respective websites if you are in a position to do so.


1. Winnie's Project H.O.P.E.
-(Helping Other Parents Endure) To inspire single parents to make a difference in the lives of their children, community and family through encouragement from mentors while providing help where needed to become self-sufficient. Goals include helping to place families in Homes, Finance Cars/ Transportation, and Reduce dependence on government assistance

2. Suited 4 Success
Organization that provides interview appropriate attire, job search assistance and mentoring to disadvantaged women and men in transition seeking employment. Our program motto: "Changing the Mind, Body & Soul of Clients, one Suit at a time".

3. Bust Busters, Inc.
Our Mission
To improve community awareness on the importance of Breast Cancer early detection methods and support services.
Our Goals
-To increase awareness about early detection of breast cancer among young women
-To encourage a life long practice of monthly breast exams, recommended clinical breast exam and mammogram.
-To identify national, state and local resources that are accessible.
4. Jacksonville NAACP
The mission of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

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Non-Profit Partners

Hart SEO works with 4 Different Non-Profits in Jacksonville, FL